Saturday, May 2, 2009

If My Life Was Made Into a Movie

After watching a movie with some friends, we started talking about if our life was made into a movie who we would want to have the starring role. It's actually a pretty interesting question, in my opinion. Of course you could just rattle off the name of the hottest celebrity at the moment, but is that really who you think could capture your life? Would you want someone known for their dramatic roles? How about someone with perfect comedic timing? An actor/actress type-cast as a villan? My friend said she'd pick Rachel McAdams. Good choice, I'd say. She can do comedy (Mean Girls), she can do drama (The Notebook), she can do suspense (Red Eye)- all key components to life, well my friend's life anyway (and a great movie).

So who would I cast in the starring role of my life? Well after some consideration, I think my choice is Kate Hudson. I choose her because my movie would undoubtedly be found in the romantic comedy section (although right now I'm waiting around for the romantic part of the romantic comedy to begin, but that's beside the point). And Kate Hudson has got the romantic comedy thing down to an art. Let's take a look at some of her movies: Sure dramatic events occur (loses sister in Raising Helen, gets into a big fight with her best friend in Bride Wars), but those moments are usually set ups for some of the funniest moments later on, just like in my own life. I think Kate Hudson gets that. Yes, Kate Hudson could play me. And she could probably play me better than I could play myself. Other contenders include: Reece Witherspoon and Meg Ryan (when she was a bit younger... sorry, Meg) Who would you cast to play you? (I really want to know)

1 comment:

brittney perry said...

ah what a great post! I need to check my reader more often... Kate Hudson is the PERFECT choice for you!